
Scala’s Option is the traditional way to represent values which may be either present (in which case a value is specified) or absent. Option is a simple ADT, but union types, along with some helper methods, can provide much better ergonomics in most circumstances. Vacuous offers an Optional type which provides this functionality.

The Optional type

An optional value, which might be an instance of ValueType, or may be absent, may be given the type Optional[ValueType]. If it is absent, then it has the value, Unset, which is a singleton object. Optional[ValueType] is an alias for the union type, ValueType | Unset.type.

Note that the declarations,

val value: Text = t"Hello world"


val value: Optional[Text] = t"Hello world"

differ only in their types; the syntax of the expression is identical, and does not need to be wrapped with another factory method, like Some.

Since union types are unordered sets of types, nesting two Optionals, for example in Optional[Optional[Int]] expands to Int | Unset.type | Unset.type, which is identical to Int | Unset.type. And this is the same as Optional[Int]. While there is nothing to prevent nesting one Optional within another Optional, it’s impossible to distinguish between the types, and impossible for an Unset value to be considered present rather than absent; it is the definition of absence.

or, let and lay

An Optional[Text] value may seem very similar to a Text value, but the possibility that it might be Unset makes it impossible to use any methods defined on Text on an Optional[Text], since those methods are not applicable to just one of the possible values of the type, Unset. So several convenience methods are provided to make Optionals easy to work with.

The method or replaces the Unset value with another value, eliminating the optionality from the type. This is equivalent to both getOrElse and orElse on Option. This equivalence comes from the lack of nesting of Optional values.

Similarly, let applies a lambda to the present values, and leaves the absent value unchanged. It is equivalent to both map and flatMap on Options.

Finally, lay combines or and let in a single, two-parameter method: the alternative value for Unset is specified first, followed by the lambda mapping the present values. This is equivalent to fold on an Option.

These method names were deliberately chosen to be short, as they are intended to be used frequently and are rarely the most interesting part of an expression.