
Rendering of trees and DAGs in the console


Dendrology provides methods for rendering data in a tree or directed acyclic graph structure as lines, for rendering in a monospaced font, typically in a terminal.



Dendrology is available as a binary for Scala 3.4.0 and later, from Maven Central. To include it in an sbt build, use the coordinates:

libraryDependencies += "dev.soundness" % "dendrology-tree" % "0.2.0"


libraryDependencies += "dev.soundness" % "dendrology-dag" % "0.2.0"

Getting Started

Dendrology can render tree-like structures as text, such as the following,

├─● Plantae
├─● Fungi
│ ├─● Rozellomyceta
│ ├─● Aphelidiomyceta
│ └─● Eumycota
├─● Protozoa
├─● Bacteria
└─● Animalia
  └─● Chordata
    └─● Mammalia
      └─● Carnivora
        ├─● Feliadae
        ├─● Canidae
        │ └─● Canis
        └─● Ursidae

and DAGs such as this:

▪ Any
└─▪ Matchable
  ├─▪ AnyRef
  │ ├─▪ List[Int]
  └─│─│─▪ AnyVal
    │ │ ├─▪ Boolean
    │ │ ├─│─▪ Int
    │ │ └─│─│─▪ Unit
    └─│───│─│─│─▪ String
      └───│─│─│─┴─▪ Null
          └─┴─┴───┴─▪ Nothing

Dendrology is versatile, and can represent data in a variety of input and output types, so long as methods are specified for working with those types.

All Dendrology terms and types are in the dendrology package.

import dendrology.*
and exported to the `soundness` package, so you can alternatively use,
import soundness.*


To create a tree, all we need is the root node (or nodes), of some type, and a way to access a node's children (of the same type). This can then be applied recursively to the root node to fully expand the tree. This approach has the advantage that it does not require the data to be reshaped into a particular data structure to be used.

Dendrology makes it possible to define the method for accessing a node's children in two ways: either as a lambda when a TreeDiagram is constructed, like so,

import anticipation.Text

case class Person(name: Text, age: Int, children: List[Person])
val daughter = Person(t"Jill", 7, List())
val son = Person(t"Jack", 9, List())
val headOfFamily = Person(t"John", 37, List(son, daughter))

val diagram =[Person](person => person.children)(headOfFamily)

or alternatively through a contextual instance of the typeclass Expandable for the given node type. Types which are naturally hierarchical can, of course, define their own Expandable instances so they can be used in tree-structures without the need to specify how child nodes should be accessed. For example:

given Expandable[Person] = _.children
val diagram2 = TreeDiagram(headOfFamily)

It's possible to include multiple root nodes as parameters to TreeDiagram, which will appear as top-level siblings in the tree.

Instances of TreeDiagram provide a few methods to help with rendering a diagram. The render method will meet most requirements for rendering a tree diagram as a series of lines. The render method takes a single parameter, a lambda for converting from the type of the nodes, NodeType, to a serialized type of each line, LineType. Typical choices might be a NodeType of some user-defined type like Person, and a LineType of Text.

For example, we could write,

import treeStyles.default

val lines = diagram2.render(
def run(): Unit =

The algorithm performs a depth-first traversal of the data, mapping each node to a line, and flattening the data in the process. The output will be a LazyList[LineType].

The parameter to the render method,, will determine the LineType is Text, which will resolve a contextual TreeStyle[Text], which is needed to render the horizontal and vertical lines of the diagram as Text. The dendrology.treeStyles package provides default, rounded and ascii renderings for Text and other Textual types.

In addition to render, the method TreeDiagram#nodes can recover the node value used to generate each line in the diagram. A common way to make use of this is to zip it with the output from render to get a LazyList[(LineType, NodeType)] which could be used to perform additional post-processing of each line, based on information from its corresponding node.


The drawTree implementation accesses the tree data structure mostly lazily, but _does_ need to know the number of elements in each ancestor of the current node, yet does not need to know anything about the descendants of subsequent nodes in the traversal until they are reached in their natural order.

This is necessary because any subsequent siblings of any ancestor nodes will require an additional descending vertical line to be rendered in the appropriate column of the current line, whereas that vertical line should be absent for each ancestor that is the last of its siblings.

Directed Acyclic Graphs

A DAG diagram is represented by the DagDiagram class, and should be constructed from a Dag instance from Acyclicity.

For example, given a value dag, an instance of Dag[Person], we can construct a new DagDiagram with DagDiagram(dag). Unlike TreeDiagram, DagDiagram always takes exactly one parameter.

Like TreeDiagram, though, DagDiagram provides render and nodes methods with the same purpose. While TreeDiagram returns a LazyList, DagDiagram cannot (due to the nature of the data it represents) evaluate lazily, and provides a strict List.

Here is the full code used to create the example DAG above:

import acyclicity.Dag
import gossamer.t
import turbulence.Out, turbulence.stdioSources.jvm
import dagStyles.default

val dag = Dag(
  t"Any"       -> Set(),
  t"Matchable" -> Set(t"Any"),
  t"AnyVal"    -> Set(t"Matchable"),
  t"AnyRef"    -> Set(t"Matchable"),
  t"Unit"      -> Set(t"AnyVal"),
  t"Boolean"   -> Set(t"AnyVal"),
  t"Int"       -> Set(t"AnyVal"),
  t"String"    -> Set(t"AnyRef"),
  t"List[Int]" -> Set(t"AnyRef"),
  t"Null"      -> Set(t"String", t"List[Int]"),
  t"Nothing"   -> Set(t"Null", t"Unit", t"Boolean", t"Int")

def run2(): Unit =
  DagDiagram(dag).render { node => t"▪ $node" }.foreach(Out.println(_))


Dendrology is copyright © 2024 Jon Pretty & Propensive OÜ, and is made available under the Apache 2.0 License.